You can create the life you've always wanted.

Elevate your health. Elevate your potential.

I‘m ready to invest in my health & live the life I know I’m meant for!

Please fill out the form below and we'll contact you about starting your journey to deep health.

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We offer two distinct pathways for you to begin your journey to health:

Personal Training

One-on-one coaching is a truly individualized and effective way to achieve your fitness goals. As your coach I will help identify measurable fitness goals, assess your movement patterns, and design a program specifically for you.

1-on-1 training is the perfect way to get back into fitness by having an expert guide you through the entire process. You will receive individualized attention and most importantly; accountability in your own sessions.

Sessions run either 30 minutes or 1 hour in length and include a targeted warm up, any corrective exercises necessary, a workout, and cool down.

We offer in person OR online training, be sure to denote in your inquiry form which you’d be interested in.


Nutrition Coaching

We will teach you how to eat to reach your goals in a sustainable, easy to understand way. The Enlightened Athlete Protocol will teach you how to deal with any issue you may be having when it comes to nutrition. From emotional or stress eating, lack of whole unprocessed foods, learning how to cook, we cover them all and more.

This is a personalized way for you to learn abut your body, have a ton of accountability get energy, self confidence, and a body you’ve always wanted.

Fill out the form below and a coach will reach out to you to set up a strategy call!

We also offer remote (online) nutrition coaching as well so don’t be afraid to reach out even if you’re not located near us!

Have questions? Shoot us an E-Mail at

Enlightened Athlete


One of the quickest ways to lose out on the fullest experience of life is not prioritizing mental and physical well-being. Here at Enlightened Athlete we strive to provide you with top resources, tools, tips, and actionable strategies to set you on the path to health and wellness.

Be sure to Check out our podcast; Get Uncomfortable. Available anywhere you listen to podcasts!

Be sure to Check out our podcast; Get Uncomfortable. Available anywhere you listen to podcasts!