The Real Reasons You Can't Lose the Weight: 5 Documentaries to Help You Seize Your Health

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Obesity is an epidemic in America. There' no doubt about that.

Unhealthy lifestyles and poor diets are leading to obesity, metabolic syndrome, erectile dysfunction, heart disease, fatty liver disease, and diabetes. 1 in every 10 adults age 20 or older suffers from diabetes. In seniors the number rises to over 1 in 4! That’s a real issue and I hate to tell you but it’s not slowing down.

People want to blame large food corporations, businesses, gigantic company owners, CEO’s, and sugar lobbyists like The Sugar Association. They would not be incorrect in doing so because these companies have deceived the public and deliberately tricked us in order to have higher profits. They absolutely put money before human health and poured chemicals and sugar into our food without telling us, use different names for sugar, and are dishonest about ingredients.

What they are doing is wrong, but blaming them does not get our current health epidemic under control. The real issue now, is not just as simple as blaming companies for ruining our food. The real issue we have is an EDUCATION issue.

You must take control by educating yourself and learning what will keep you and your family healthy and safe.

People cannot eat healthy if they don’t know what REAL healthy eating is. People can’t avoid unhealthy food if they don’t know what in their food is shit and that it’s killing them. It does us no good to place the blame on those associations, companies, or people and take no action for ourselves. The problem is already amidst us so we need solutions and action in this dire time.

Taking action by learning how to truly eat healthy is how you will seize your health. The solution is EDUCATION. People need to be educated on how they are being tricked and fed directly into metabolic diseases like diabetes and obesity.

We don’t all have time to sit down and read multiple books, take classes, or get certified in nutrition courses. Great starting places that I have found were these powerful educational documentaries. These are full of facts and real, useful information to help you live a healthier life.

We live in a time where information is easily distributed. I want to share with you some of the resources I have found to be very helpful and changed the way I looked at food and eating habits permanently. In addition numbers 5, 3, 2, and 1 are all available on Netflix so you can find them easily.

Here are 5 documentaries to change the way you look at and consume food forever.

5. Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead 

4. Hungry for Change

3. Food Inc.

2. Sugar Coated

1. Fed Up

The links on these titles will lead you to the documentaries websites which provide facts, resources, recipes, and lifestyle changing habits.  I highly recommend that you take a look at these websites to help with making changes in your life.

While you and I may not agree with everything these documentaries state there are bits of good information in all of them. I think it’s healthy to keep your mind open to other sides of arguments as well, if only to better understand the other side.

Let me know what you guys think over on our Facebook pageInstagram, and Twitter! If you know anybody out there that could benefit from these documentaries or our website please send this to them or SHARE it on social media!


The Real Reasons You Can't Lose the Weight: 5 Documentaries To Help You Seize Your Health


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