6 Reasons You Need to Lift Weights [Infographic]

People are unaware just how important it is to move external objects with and around their bodies.

Enter resistance training!

I’ve had so much success with my clients just by adding in a little resistance training to their routine a few times a week. This doesn’t need to any type of marathon lifting workout. In fact, when you’re just starting out (or just starting back up!) you shouldn’t do this.

You need to implement safe exercises that will allow you to build strength and body control that lead to long term success. Starting this way will allow you to avoid injury, begin seeing results, and help you stay on the path long term. Your goal should not be to have your legs so wobbly by the time you leave that you look like a drunk newborn giraffe.

Implementing 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps of exercises like deadlifts, bent over or chest supported rows, front rack squats, seated or standing presses, lunges, or flies (and the list goes on) using dumbbells or kettlebells will be a great place to start in the beginning.

Be on the lookout for our new resistance training program for beginners, coming soon. Sign up for the newsletter to be notified when we release this program!

If after reading the infographic below you decide you’d like to begin your journey into lifting weights but aren’t sure where to start and are located around the Hastings, Ne area, schedule a free trial workout with us so you can have a professional show you the ropes. (If you’d like video analysis of technique just note that in the message box)

Sometimes the best way to get started is to just get started instead of waiting around for the perfect moment for all the stars to align.

Schedule your free trial workout HERE

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