6 Steps to Reach Your Goals
6 real world steps to achieve goals, and a resource for building good habits.
How do great things happen?
How did we go from cave dwelling cave people to the top of the food chain with smart phones while being one of the worst physically equipped beings vying for a top spot in the world. (Compared to wolves, bears, mountain lions, crocs etc.)
One thing: Our MIND.
Humans have collectively used it to create the internet, electric cars, and space travel. This didn’t happen by accident.
Some of the greatest minds in history had BIG goals to make these things a reality. They set goals and then broke those down into actionable steps, built good habits, and made it happen step by step. Failures included.
The same thing goes for what we want to achieve in our day to lives. Losing 30 lbs, building a successful business, competing at a national level in your sport. First you set lofty goals and then work backwards to break it into smaller, digestible chunks.
Goal Setting 101: Stop Goals From Being Wishful Thinking
I’ve had this topic come up with many clients this week, and coincidentally I received an email from Google Primer that broke down goal setting in 6 easy steps. Here they are:
Make concrete goals. Instead of “hire more help,” you might aim to “hire a cashier, a social media writer, and a delivery person by June.”
Know how reaching a goal will positively impact you.“Hiring 3 people will reduce my overtime so I can have dinner with my kids each night.”
Break your goal down into short milestones. “By March, I will have the job descriptions finished. By April, I will start interviews.”
Schedule a time and place to work on your goals, like every Friday, 2-2:30pm, in your office with the door shut.
Tell friends and family about your goal so they can support you and help you track your progress.
Celebrate small victories. “I got 4 responses to my job listing today.”
I also listened to a powerful podcast from the Art of Manliness on building positive habits and breaking bad ones for the long haul. Think of this as the framework you’re engaging in day in and day out that help you develop the lifestyle necessary to achieve big things. I’d highly recommend listening in.
Podcast #470: A Proven System for Building and Breaking Habits
Time to go out, build good habits, set lofty goals, and most important of all, MAKE IT HAPPEN.